As a scholar my purpose is to provide & promote valuable information as a thank you to all those who have helped me in my scholarly journey.

Tag Archives: artsy

Wilmaida Ortiz-Avilez Photography

Hello I am Natymarie

“I am a scholar on a journey full of adventures. I enjoy sharing meaningful resources, things, places, thoughts that make a difference in this world”


❤ San Francisco Street Art Background: Artist Unknown ❤


The beautiful city of Varaždin, Croatia, known for as the City Where Angels Sleep. This creative installment is located in a small alley between two buildings in Croatia. Carefully hidden, giving it a mysterious yet marvelous thought at point of discovery by tourists. Photo taken June 2012.

The “Licitar” is Croatia’s symbol of love and affection. It is a beautiful hand-crafted work of art made of an edible ginger bread sweet cookie containing honey, but is used as decoration rather than for eating. It is given as a gift during holiday celebrations to loved ones and it is a favorite Christmas tree ornament.

For more information about Licitars, orders, and or recipes:

Licitar Making:

Visit Croatia